A Chemist Writes
I am an author. I am a chemist.
This site is dedicated to my work in communicating science, and particularly chemistry, to a wide audience. This has taken many forms, including books, articles in various magazines and newspapers, as well as radio and television interviews. I also lecture on various subjects.
iChem - My Blog
- Here's where I now post my thoughts on current events, including a few news items from the future, where I compare the consequences of choosing science-based solutions to those based on green alternatives.
My career as a writer began with books. The site has information about all those I've published.
The Books
- Here are my academic and popular science books. This site has information and links to all my published work, plus additional material.
The work I have done to popularise science, and help explain the impact of chemistry has been published in a range of magazines and newspapers.
The Articles
- To communicate my ideas and passion for chemistry I have written many articles over the years in a wide range of publications, from New Scientist to Wired UK. Find examples of my work and links to the various publications.
Entertaining Chemistry
I believe entertainment and humour are essential tools in learning and communicating ideas. Here there are word search puzzles built around the chemical elements and themes which link elements together. I've also provided the answers.
About JE
If you want to know a bit more about me, there are a few biographical details, including my inspiration, awards, and a complete list of all my scientific papers.